Ok so I have not posted much in the last few months so I will try to do twice as much in this month. Painted some rocks on the weekend that I got from the beach.
Sorry I have not posted much in the last few weeks but I have just got a new job and the transition has been hectic. This is a photo shoot I did last week for some good friends of mine. Styling by Jane and model Erin.
My Internet was down today so I had to get out of the house and do something, and what better way then to build a tribute pic of Michael Jackson's face out of spiky balls off your next door neighbors tree. MJ was the man and you know it.
So I have another friend that dose make-up (Daltz), she needed some photo's for her port folio. Even though she was on her death bed with swine flu she still came over with a few models and whipped up these amazing photos. Shazzam!
After looking at this over priced baby through the window of a near by op-shop for a whole year I finally forked out the cash and picked it up. I have heard good things about this little banger so I had to see it for myself. I shot the first role last week on my Olympus XA and it came up a treat, here is a shot I took while riding my bike in the city.
Put together a test run book of my drawings that I have been working on for the few months, still a bit to go before I print multiple copies but here is a sneak peek.
Got some friends in the UK that I miss, so I did them up this A3 poster of them back in Melbourne just so they can feel back home every now and again. Best Guys! All the best on your adventure.
Done up a logo and style-guide for my brothers building business called Gorilla Build, just got the business cards back from the printers and they came up sweet!!! Nice little touch with the UV varnish came up sexy. So if any one out there needs some shit built hit him up.
F#CK Yeah the photo's are done, I have finally finished processing the best one's from the photo shoot the other week. It was a hard job to do while juggling two jobs and working 7 days a week, but now they are done and I think they are not too bad if I don't say so myself. So feast your eyes on these beautiful ladies and stare in amazement, because I have been doing so for the last two weeks. Thanks to Erin and Debbie for the make-up, plus all of their little helpers, Jane for all the styling, Pip my beautiful girlfriend, Kane and Zak for holding and moving shit, and of course all the beautiful models, you girls where amazing!!!
Last weekend had a big ass photo shoot to do for my friends Erin and Jane who are make-up and stylist team and me the photographer. We put together some ideas the week before then went bananas and wiped up some great shoots. I have a lot to process because we shot six or so different models, but I should have them done by next week. Here is one of the shots to do you for now.
My cuz is turning 21 so I had the task of making the invite. I blurred out the address so you can not come, sorry. All the people that read my blog are probably invited anyway.
Had a 21st last night so I wiped up a card for my friend Kristy with some of the paper I got from Dragon papers on high st, who are moving soon so the paper was 40% off (sweeeeet). the picture is of her, she love's to get on it!
Just found out about some HDR photo thing that gives you great definition in your photos. So I thought I would give it a go, my photo's did not turn out like I was hoping for but I did get some good effects from it. This is one of the better ones I got from the lot, I think I need a bit more practice with this HDR thing it could be quite fun. There is a good website about it at: www.stuckincustoms.com
My brother and cuzz are in a electro/DJ band together called (we're wolves) and they wanted me to hook em up with some designs, so this is what a gave em.
My bro and cuzz deejayed there first live set last night to the whole 12 people at mixed tape. I took this photo with a long shutter to get in all them groovy lights but then on my travels home came across this little guy so I took out my camera and took a snap but still had it on long shutter! And that is how disco possum was born!!!
One of my house mates is running a cheezy uni night at teezz lounge every wednesday, so if you are looking for some cheap drinks on a wednesday night mozy on down. This was a flyer a wiped up for the night.
here are some pic's from my trip to the states last year. These were all taken on my dig/slr but I shot a lot of film over there because it is hell cheap to get film processed over there, so I might put up some of them in time to come.